SR Depot

SR DEPOT is a program for the automatic management of depot locations. It ensures that the storage systems are optimally utilized. In accordance with the SR philosophy, a number of configuration options are provided that optimize depot management, customer contact, goods issue and control for the individual workflow.

SR DEPOT is available as an independent depot program. It builds on the proven SR basis and can be expanded in many ways. It shows particular strengths when it is used in combination with the other programs of the SR family. The depot rental is thus completely integrated into the rental. At any workstation or at the cash register, depot rental and control are possible without further effort. Sale, rental or depot: everything is done with uniform operation. For the customer as a common process and on a single printout.

Mountain railways, hotels, staff houses, baths & other companies manage their cabinets with this software. They load the key e.B. onto the Skidata ski card. Further lock and depot variants can be coupled with this clear system.

Lock variants

Cylinder locks, electric locks, fingerprint, pin code, RF-ID chip module for reading e.B Skidata cards.
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